Friday, February 10, 2012

Question Number 4: Friendship

And speaking of 80's movies-

"When Harry Met Sally" poses a questions that has flashed through the minds of every human being on this planet-

Can men and women ever be "just friends"?

This question truly has no answer- I'd like to say yes, but as I run through every close friendship I've had with boys, I find that at some point I have caught myself silenty wondering what it would be like if suddenly our friendship took off.  Of course, the musing disappears and I forget about it, returning willingly to the friendship that will never be more.  But those fleeting moments mean that maybe "just friends" is an illusion.  There might always be that part of you, however small, that asks the forbidden question: "what if?"

 My mother always told me that falling in love with a friend is the best way to find true love.  She says that true love stems from friendship.  And I honestly don't see how that can't be true-after all, isn't being in love somewhat similar to having a best friend?  Someone there for you in every moment who loves you despite your flaws?  Maybe we should all stop asking our guy friends advice on how to find love and look right in front of us at the love that has been there all along.

Or maybe we shouldn't risk it. 

I guess we will never know.


  1. I’d like to say that yes women and men can be just friends but every boyfriend I’ve ever had started out as just a friend and then became something more.

    I think other feelings are always involved.

  2. My boyfriend and I started dating before we were ever friends (if that makes sense). However, now we both consider each other our best friend. And, basically, I think guys and gals can be friends, but the only times they can be "best" friends are if they are in a relationship with each other... or aren't in a relationship yet and should be! ;)


  3. *sigh* sometimes I WISH thought that I could just be friends with guys though.
